Technical Translations

Technical Translations – There’s more to it than meets the eye!

Tuesday 10 May, 2016

Delivering accurate technical translations for complex items such as user manuals or pharmaceutical products is a vital aspect for companies that export their products to overseas markets. However, when considering your translation company, there are a few factors that must be considered to ensure you make the right choice.

1.Technical Translation Expertise

Whilst many translators are expert at generalised documentation, or may have specialised in a particular field such as legal or financial translations, they would not necessarily have the knowledge and expertise to translate complex technical documents. It is vital to ensure that the translator you choose has a demonstrable background in the technical area you need, whilst holding the translation qualifications to undertake the project.

2.Translate more than just documents

The types of media used for delivering the product information may be varied.  It is important that there is continuity between all types of media to ensure a uniform approach is provided.  For example, if the product has technical information supplied via specialist software, the screen will need to match the user manual so there is no confusion.  Also websites and mobile apps could be incorporated into the translation project.  Don’t forget these other media types, as they will form part of your complete product translation.

3.Translate for your target market

Consideration must be given to the people reading the final translation.  They could engineers or scientists that have a full understanding of the complex technical aspects of the products, alternatively they could be an end user that simply needs to understand the product in “layman terms”. Ensuring you understand your target market and conveying this to your technical translator will result in a more appropriate tone of voice and therefore a better end result.

4.Translation Accuracy is paramount

Translation accuracy does not simply apply to the copy, it also needs to apply to figures and unit translations. Determining the correct number of decimal points when converting from imperial to metric whilst also ensuring it is the accurate quantity for the product is, indeed, a vital aspect of your translation project. This will apply to inclusions such as tables, dilutions, chemical makeup, or dosages. Inaccurate translations of such important information could have devastating consequences.

At Romo Translations we have wealth of experience handling a wide range of complex technical translations in many different engineering, scientific and pharmaceutical industries.  Our expert technical team can work with practically every language, whilst ensuring the highest level of accuracy, no matter which technical field or media types you are deploying with your product.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your technical translation requirements.  To contact us, please call 0845 262 0153.

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