Certified German Translations Required?

German Translations – The need for Certified Translations

Monday 9 March, 2020

Certified German Translations have recently been raised as potentially changing while filing a new Patent in a foreign language. Some believe that there is no real requirement to ensure that the German Translation is definitively accurate as most errors affect the applicant rather than the general population. However, considering the impact that a potential German translator error could have on a business, makes this a rather more important step in the process than not. 

It is not outside the realms of possibility that, if an inaccurate German Translation is submitted to the Patent Office, it may actually allow another organisation to infringe on the rights, as, according to the incorrect translation, they have not actually copied the patented product or service. The overall impact could be catastrophic for the company. Would you want to take that risk with your business?

It is worth noting that this change to the Certified Translation process on Patent applications is still only in consideration and has not yet been passed into law. This means that all patent applications must still be submitted as a Certified German Translation by an authorised German translator or translation agency. It will be worth keeping an eye on the results in Germany and if any other countries following their lead. 

Certified Translation – Personal Documents

Although there have been questions over the requirement for Certified German Translation for the Patent applications, no such moves have been made to any of the personal documentation. It stands to reason that, particularly when considering documents such as medical records, that truly accurate translations are submitted as they could literally be life or death for a person. Personal documents, such as marriage certificates and birth certificates, are vital parts of people’s lives so no risk should be taken by providing inaccurate translations. So again, the question needs to be asked, would you want to take the risk?

Despite the view in Germany, we believe the risks to both businesses and individuals alike from inaccurate translations on documents that have previously been certified is too big a risk to take. If you are considering your options for a Certified German Translators and would like to discuss the details, or would like a quote, please speak with one of our translation team on 0203 696 8680 and we will be happy to help. 

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