Translating Marketing Communication London

Translation - The importance for Accurate Marketing

Wednesday 26 September, 2018

Many businesses are now looking to the global markets to expand the reach of their products and services. Naturally, this comes with language and cultural differences which only professional or native translators can assist with. Here we look at the areas of marketing translation that will need to be addressed in order to be effective in the new territories.

Marketing Communication Translation Consistency

It may seem obvious that your business wants to say the same thing to each market about their product or service. However, in reality if you have different translation companies for each country, the style and consistency will be eroded. It is possible you could end up with completely different styles and descriptions. By consolidating all translation services with one organisation the consistency can be retained. 

Translations for each communication platform

There are now many different routes to communicate with your target market. Each will need to be accurately translated to include the cultural as well as the language difference. This must include factors such as local nuances and accurate context. 

Marketing translations can include any of the following include:

  • Product Packaging
  • Product / Service Literature
  • Sales Brochures / Printed Marketing Materials 
  • Website(s) – Including URL, SEO, Tags
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Automated Phone Messages
  • Email Footers / Headers

The difficulty with marketing translations

The marketing translations must retain all the “sales charm” of how you want your product or service to be portrayed. The advertising translations are likely to have a range of objectives with a call to action, these must be taken in to account for each new translation. 

In addition, localisation is a vital aspect of successful marketing translation. The professional translator must has knowledge and understanding of the target market in order to use language and context that “really speaks to them” rather than a literal translation from a different culture. 

What happens if you don’t get it right?

So what happens if your marketing translations are not accurate or are too literal? There are a number of scenarios that could occur. Firstly, it is likely that your marketing won’t be successful and you do not convert the investment you have made in the marketing into tangible sales. Naturally this will not be a desired outcome, but there are also the following factors to consider:

  • Reputational Damage – The translation could be illegal or even offensive
  • Brand Impacted – Could damage future sales even when accurate translations are released
  • Financial – Lack of sales will not yield sufficient return on investment
  • Legal Impact – If the translation is deemed illegal, it could be extremely damaging to your business

Trusted Professional Translators

As can be seen, ensuring you have accurate marketing translations will be an important aspect to your global marketing strategy. In order to have peace of mind that your communication is correct, it is advised to seek the help from a trusted professional translation company. This is where Romo Translations, London can help. We are highly experienced translators dealing with practically every language with experienced, native speaking translators. If you would like to discuss how we can help with your next overseas marketing campaign, please call us on 0203 696 8680 and we’ll be delighted to help you. 

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