Translation Services Post Brexit

Translation Services in a Post Brexit Britain

Tuesday 2 May, 2017

Translation services could be a complex industry following Brexit. As the UK moves away from the EU trading bloc and eyes up markets further afield, the number of languages in which businesses will need to start trading will increase dramatically. There will, if not in the short term but certainly mid-term to long term, be trading between the UK and the EU, therefore the requirement for European language translation is likely to remain in some part, however there is likely to be an increase in translation services for trade between the likes of India, China and Japan, for example. It can be illustrated by the theory that “you buy in your language but sell in your client’s”.

These translation services could cover areas such as:

  • Business / Conference Calls
  • Meetings
  • Legal Documents and Reports
  • Regulatory Files
  • Filing Patents
  • Ambassador and Embassy related documentation
  • Travel and Work Visas
  • Business Reports and Consultations
  • Trade Contracts

Language Translation Support

There has been some concern that there will be a lack of skilled language translators within organisations should their current personnel be required to leave, and that businesses would not be able to cope. But translation services, particularly in London, are available to support businesses through the transition period.

Here at Romo Translations, based in London, we have over the years developed a translation service that supports businesses and organisations that trade and communicate with other nations across the world. Our translators provide translation services to help businesses communicate with their new or potential markets. They are then able to determine if that new market is sustainable in the long term without having to employ a full time member of staff straight away to deal with the language differences.

Over a period of time, by working with Romo Translations, we can support you in your analysis of the new market by providing quick and effective translation services. Once you have established the long term potential of the region, you are then able to make an informed business decision as to whether to employ a full time member of staff to deal with the translations, or whether you find it more cost effective to continue working with us.  

Our translators are highly experienced in translating both business and personal documentation into practically every language. We ensure that our translation service is cost efficient with a quick turn around and above all, accurate.

We believe there is no need to be concerned about the language differences, we embrace them and support all our clients in their quest to succeed. If you would like to speak with us about how Romo Translations can help you communicate with new markets, please call us on
0203 696 8680.


0203 696 8680

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