London Translators

London – The City with 300 Languages

Thursday 20 October, 2016

London has become the city where the most number of different languages are spoken and therefore it stands to reason that translators in London are amongst the busiest. It has been estimated that, of the 8.7million London population, 22.1% or 1.7 million state that English is not their primary language. This is not to say that many of the people do not understand English, however it can lead to a large number of people struggling to understand English on a daily basis.

London Translators

These statistics show that London translators need to be highly flexible and progressive in order to be able to help and support the translation requirements across all the London boroughs.  As translators in London, we have made sure we have kept pace with the cultural changes that have taken place in London over the years and can offer translators to businesses and individuals no matter what language is spoken.

London Language Diversity

Across all the London boroughs, translators find pockets of languages that are spoken more than others. For example:

·        The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has approximately 43,500 Bengali speakers. This represents in the region of 19.7% of the number across the rest of England and Wales.

·        When compared to the rest of England and Wales, the majority of the Turkish language is spoken in Enfield alone, with approximately 18,400 residents. This represents 18.5% of the total Turkish population in the country.

·        The number of Korean speakers living in the UK reside in Kingston Upon-Thames, this makes up almost half of all Korean speakers.

·        It is worth noting that Polish remains the most commonly spoken language, aside from English, with an estimated 2% of the population.

These pockets of languages provides London translators with the opportunity to help entire communities with their translation needs, be it for their businesses, schools, doctor appointments or their personal documentation. Many councils and Police Authorities also need assistance from professional translators across London.

This variety of languages spread across London has been creatively visualised by Oliver O’Brien in his Tube Tongues map. It makes for an interesting read, we recommend you have a look!

No matter which language you speak or where you are in London and you need a translator, Romo Translation have highly qualified and experienced translators ready to help. Give us a call on 0845 262 0153

0203 696 8680

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